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Katharina Rubahn
+45 65501224


University of Southern Denmark
Alsion 2, 6400 Sønderborg

Senior Principal Engineer, R&D
Trauma & Extremities
Prof.-Kuentscher-Str. 1-5
24232 Schoenkirchen
t: +49 4348 702 403
f: +49 4348 702 8403
m: +49 162 1061609

Director R&D, Government Affairs and Market Access
Stryker Trauma GmbH
Professor Kuentscher Strasse 1-6
24232 Schoenkirchen
P +49 (0) 4348 702 240

Institute of Innovation Research
Chair of Technology Management
Westring 425, 24118 Kiel
Phone: +49 431 880-1541
Fax: 0431/880-1166
E-mail: techman@bwl.uni-kiel.de

E-Mail: robert.wendlandt@uksh.de

Ready-made test set-ups already exist for various test standards. For testing according to other standards or for special tests without a relevant standard, the lab can realise suitable test set-ups at short notice.
Such test set-ups are particularly relevant for testing indication-specific implants that cannot be tested with existing standards.
In addition to the test machines, you can also find the micro-electronics laboratory for the construction of special electronics, for example, control electronics for test equipment or portable sensor systems.
Engineering Director of the Biomechanics Laboratory
E-Mail: robert.wendlandt@uksh.de

SDU Robotics, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
E-Mail: lebo@mmmi.sdu.dk

Dr. Gerrit Jochims
c/o Christian-Albrechtsplatz-4
24118 Kiel

Project Manager Innovation & Technologies
Life Science Nord Management GmbH | Legienstr. 40 | 24103 Kiel
+49 15144510890

5230 Odense M
+45 7663 1312

+49 4356 8679205
soventec GmbH
Schulweg 10, 24361 Klein Wittensee, Germany

Associate Professor

Teal Medical
Ved Stadsgraven 9 kl. tv.
2300 Copenhagen
+45 42670301

Janin Rieckert
Network Manager Health Technology
c/o Universität zu Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Phone: +49 451 3101 1171
Mail: rieckert@hic-luebeck.de

Dr. Sabine Brock
Industry Relations Manager/
Dep. Chief Technology Officer
Innovation & Technology Transfer (ITT)
Notkestrasse 85, DE-22607 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 8998 - 4579
Mobile: +49 40 8998 - 94579 / +49 151 42685837
Email: sabine.brock@desy.de

Programme Manager
Telephone: +45 29 31 72 59
Email: soren.udby@rsyd.dk

Gl. Kongevej 1, 3.
1610 København V
email: contact@cellari.io

University of Southern Denmark
Alsion 2, 6400 Sønderborg

Project coordinator, Special Adviser
TEK Innovation
T +45 65 50 12 24

Head of Community & Communication
Danish Life Science Cluster
Forskerparken 10H
5230 Odense M
3139 7892

The project investigates surface modification using ultra short pulse-laser of fixator pins to prevent infections. With a bionic adoption of antler surface structure, the skin barrier around the pin entry site is to be closed quickly and permanently to prevent the penetration of germs.
Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Labor für Biomechanik

The project aim is to improve the prevention of infectious diseases, by constructing a hand disinfection robot. The robot encourages and supports users, by explaining the correct hand disinfection technique on screen.
SDU Robotics, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
email: ospa@mmmi.sdu.dk

Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery
Universität Leipzig
contact also:
Dr. Ing. Robert Wendlandt
Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Labor für Biomechanik

Anna Lena Weichaus
Project Manager Innovation & Technologies

Eight partner organisations from Germany and Denmark worked on this Interreg Deutschland-Danmark project from February 2017 to August 2020. Focus activities comprised
1) algae sourcing, cultivation and collection,
2) fucoidan characterisation and database development,
3) pilot developments in medicine (ophthalmology, orthopaedics) and cosmetics, and 4) organisation and business models.
Projekt coordinator
Mail: info@fucosan.eu
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
Quincke Forschungszentrum
Rosalind-Franklin-Str. 9
24105 Kiel, Germany

Therefore, the FucoSan network aimed to develop long-term concepts eligible for funding from external funding bodies to ensure continuous and sustainable development of Fucoidan-based applications in the region. To this end, the existing Fucoidan network in the German-Danish border region was significantly expanded. In addition, awareness of the potential of Fucoidans was increased, and the exchange and encounter with politics, administration and other cluster organisations grew. In addition, application-oriented research and product development were further developed, focusing on the application of fucoidans. Here, the very promising results of the FucoSan project (2017-2020) were used to identify and develop new projects and research opportunities.
Projekt coordinator
Mail: info@fucosan.eu
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
Quincke Forschungszentrum
Rosalind-Franklin-Str. 9
24105 Kiel, Germany

The program explicitly addresses the area of miniaturization, which on the one hand covers the entire field of minimally invasive surgery (endoscopes, instruments, surgical robots) and on the other hand, e.g. includes implants for drug delivery. The integration of sensors and actuators leads to new diagnosis and therapy options.
The programme is supportet by Interreg Deutschland Danmark.
Master\\\'s Program Medical Microtechnology
c/o Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Mönkhofer Weg 239
- Building 64, ground floor, room 44 -
23562 Lübeck, DE

Programme manager
Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence (CAI-X)
Department of Clinical Development – OUH Innovation & HTA
OUH Odense University Hospital and Svendborg Hospital
Kloevervaenget 8, entrance 101, 4th floor
DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark

Project manager
Klinisk Udvikling – Innovation og MTV
Telefon +45 23237449
Odense University Hospital and Svendborg Hospital
Kløvervænget 8 C, Entrance 101, 3rd floor, 5000 Odense C

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
SDU Health Informatics and Technology
Email: ukwiil@mmmi.sdu.dk

The 3D Lab is primarily involved in maxillofacial surgery but also in several other projects with other surgical and medical disciplines at the University Hospital of Southern Denmark and other Danish hospitals. Related research is conducted in collaboration with the Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark.
University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg
Finsensgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark
E-mail: Michael.Boelstoft.Holte@rssyd.dk

We have real life experience in regulatory affairs and quality assurance regarding MDR and FDA systems.
Flowsion A/S
Agtoftsvej 3d
DK 6400 Sønderborg

LFH oversees innovation projects and product testing, matching needs and requirements between the company and clinical departments. In addition, LFH has a reputable collaboration with surrounding municipalities, educational institutions and Southern Danish Health Innovation.
LFH has three fully equipped medical wards, one shower/toilet room and one simulation room for medical and digital training, product and prototype demonstration, and testing of hospital equipment and technological welfare solutions. Over 7000 participants are educated and guided by LFH in simulation-based medical and digital training annually.
Lærings- og Forskningshuset
Kresten Philipsens Vej 15 F
6200 Aabenraa
Jan A Toft
Tlf.: 7997 6017